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Heute — 30. Juni 2024News

Debian 12.6 „Bookworm“ veröffentlicht: Was ist neu?

Von: MK
30. Juni 2024 um 04:41

Das Debian-Projekt hat am 29. Juni 2024 offiziell Debian 12.6, mit dem Codenamen „Bookworm“, veröffentlicht. Dieses Update bringt zahlreiche Verbesserungen, Fehlerbehebungen und Sicherheitsupdates, die es sowohl für bestehende Nutzer als auch für Neueinsteiger attraktiv machen. Wichtige Updates und Verbesserungen Sicherheitsverbesserungen Debian 12.6 legt einen starken Fokus auf Sicherheit und behebt mehrere Schwachstellen in verschiedenen Paketen. […]

Der Beitrag Debian 12.6 „Bookworm“ veröffentlicht: Was ist neu? erschien zuerst auf fosstopia.

Gestern — 29. Juni 2024News
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OneNote ersetzen – diese App kann es

Von: MK
28. Juni 2024 um 16:30

Wenn ihr auf der Suche nach einer starken Alternative zu Microsoft OneNote seid, dann bleibt dran, denn heute stelle ich Euch eine App vor, die verdammt nah rankommt. Eine App, die sowohl eure persönlichen als auch professionellen Notizbedürfnisse abdeckt. Also, lasst uns gleich loslegen und einen genaueren Blick auf die Hauptfunktionen und Vorteile werfen. Wichtige […]

Der Beitrag OneNote ersetzen – diese App kann es erschien zuerst auf fosstopia.

Interview with last year's YH4F winner, Davide Rorato

27. Juni 2024 um 23:00

Interview with last year's YH4F winner, Davide Rorato

After six months of programming there are only a few days left until the end of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom 2024. We are very excited to see this year's projects and to learn more about the participants and their work during the past months. Before we dive into the new projects, let us take a deeper look at last year's winner, Davide Rorato.

Davide presenting his winning project, 'ArduPlot', at the Award ceremony in Brussels, October 2023

Davide programmed the tool "ArduPlot", a real-time serial plotter that automatically adjusts itself to your use case. ArduPlot provides a nice graphical overview of the sensor data from any Arduino board. But let us hear all about ArduPlot from its developer.

FSFE: Hi Davide, thank you very much for your time. Before we learn more about "ArduPlot" we want to learn more about you and your skills. What was your first experience with programming, and how did you start learning to write code?

Davide: My first ever experience with programming was creating Automator scripts. Automator is an application that lets you create a sequence of actions such as keyboard presses and mouse movements that can be recorded and then played back without the need to write any code (it’s actually a lot more powerful but I used it in a very basic way).

The next thing I started to experiment with was coding on an Arduino UNO that I borrowed from my older brother. When it wasn't in use I would write simple programs by copying them from a book of ready-made projects and adapting them to suit my needs. This gradually evolved into me wanting to know more about programming and electronics, and a couple of years later, during summer vacation, I thought it would be fun to actually learn how to code, so I opened up YouTube and followed the first C++ tutorial I could find.

After getting accustomed to the basics, when I got an idea for a project, I would start coding until I found a problem I didn't know how to tackle. I then googled and tried every way possible to make the program work until it did.

FSFE: Can you remember when you first used Free Software?

Davide: I think my first contact with Free Software was with the OpenOffice suite, followed by the Arduino IDE. Of course at first I didn't realise what Free Software meant, and I was simply glad I could use the software for free, but as years passed I came to really appreciate the ethical principles of Free Software.

FSFE: How did you find out about this contest?

Davide: It was thanks to my IT teacher, who told my class about this contest when the first edition of YH4F started. I actually participated in the first edition of YH4F as well, but I didn’t manage to win, and seeing the quality of the projects that did it was clear why, they were amazing!

FSFE: Why did you decide to join YH4F?

Davide: The first year I decided to join because I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to do a bigger project, and in turn learn a lot of new things that I didn't have an opportunity to before. Had I not participated in the first edition, I wouldn’t have been able to create ArduPlot the following year.

For the second edition of the contest, I actually didn't have any plans to submit a project, but incidentally I had been working on ArduPlot to help with the debugging of a robot for a school project, so the day of the submission deadline I thought: “Well, I got nothing to lose so I might as well submit this!”. I can safely say I did not regret that decision!

ArduPlot graphical output of the input from an Arduino board

FSFE: And before we talk a bit more about ArduPlot, what did you enjoy the most about this contest?

Davide: The thing I enjoyed the most was the open-ended nature of the contest. Any type of Free Software can be created and submitted, with no restriction to a specific type or theme, letting everyone work on something they are passionate about at the moment.

FSFE:This is nice to hear, however we also know that this can be quite a challenge for some to find "their perfect project". Here as you said it is very important to find something you are passionate about, or a problem you want to fix. And of course, the YH4F team is there to help you to come up with an idea. Now for some more detailed questions about ArduPlot. Can you explain how ArduPlot works and how you came up with the idea?

Davide: I created ArduPlot from a need to analyse different types of data coming from a microcontroller for an autonomous robotics project one of my classmates and I were developing. The robot had all kinds of sensors on it, and we needed to split fast paced data from the sensors, that required a specific visualisation (line graph, heatmap), from the less frequent text logs. If these two things are mixed together in a single text console, it’s much harder to see what’s happening at a glance.

What ArduPlot does is split this data in two: when it recognises a data packet, it gets analysed and displayed as a visualisation. For any other case the data gets redirected to a text console.

FSFE: What was the biggest challenge or problem you faced when developing your idea?

Davide: The main challenge I faced was reading data from the microcontroller reliably, which meant reading, parsing and displaying it faster than the data coming in, which isn’t a problem with low data rates, but as they get higher issues start to appear if everything isn’t properly implemented.

FSFE:It sounds like you were already somehow familiar with microcontrollers before you started ArduPlot. Have you worked with the data from microcontrollers before?

Davide: Yes, but in past projects I didn’t need this type of detailed visual feedback. The Serial Plotter in the Arduino IDE sufficed most of the time, because I had a couple of sensors at most attached to the microcontroller.

FSFE: Are there any problems that ArduPlot has solved for you when working with this kind of data?

Davide: ArduPlot made it possible to see through the 'eyes' of the robot in real time and discover and fix bugs faster. For example, if a sensor got slightly moved and suddenly the robot started to work badly, we instantly knew what went wrong at a glance by looking at the data.

FSFE: What motivated you to keep working on ArduPlot during the programming period?

Davide: The main motivation was the fact that I actually needed the program I was developing, and without ArduPlot, debugging the code of the robot would have been much more time-consuming.

FSFE: Have you continued to work on your project in recent months?

Davide: Yes, but not as much as I wanted to. I have lots of ideas for features I want to implement (and bugs that need to be fixed) but during the past months I have been busy with other projects, and most importantly university, which I have prioritised.

Nevertheless, since the contest ended I’ve added Windows support, I fixed a couple of critical bugs, optimised heatmap rendering, added friendly USB device names alongside the serial device’s location on Linux and added serial output, which was the last thing keeping ArduPlot from reaching feature parity with the Arduino integrated serial terminal/plotter, but with the addition of other quality of life improvements, such as auto reconnect and, of course, the ability to plot graphs on demand!

FSFE: And last but not least, is there anything you would tell new participants to do or not to do?

Davide: Build something you are passionate about and that other people would find useful or cool, but most importantly have fun doing it!

FSFE:Thank you Davide for your time, it was a pleasure to meet you in the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom contest.

The 2024 edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom is still going on now! The coding period ends on 30 June. The next edition will start on 01.01.2025. You can already register now. Check out the YH4F website to find out all the details of this competition or feel free to reach out to the organisers via mail!

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Ubuntu 24.10 macht Wayland endlich zum Standard für NVIDIA-Benutzer

Von: MK
27. Juni 2024 um 19:07

Nach der Veröffentlichung einer Ubuntu LTS Version wird es mit der Nachfolgeversion wieder innovativ. In dem Fall ist die nächste kommende Ubuntu Version 24.10 mit Codenamen „Oracular Oriole“. Die Veröffentlichung von Ubuntu 24.10 ist für Oktober 2024 geplant, sofern keine unerwarteten Verzögerungen auftreten. Diese Zwischenversionen erhalten lediglich 9 Monate Support und enthalten viele interessante technische […]

Der Beitrag Ubuntu 24.10 macht Wayland endlich zum Standard für NVIDIA-Benutzer erschien zuerst auf fosstopia.

IT des Bundes wird zum Milliardengrab

27. Juni 2024 um 13:54

Die Bundesregierung hat erstmals über eine Milliarde Euro für Software-Lizenzen und IT-Dienstleistungen ausgegeben, wobei die Kosten von 771 Millionen Euro im Jahr 2022 auf 1,2 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2023 gestiegen sind. Trotz der Verpflichtung zu Open Source fließt der Großteil in proprietäre Software, was zu strategischen Abhängigkeiten führt. Es wird gefordert, dass kein Anbieter mehr als 50 Prozent des IT-Budgets erhält und Open Source bevorzugt wird, um den schädlichen Vendor-Lock-in zu vermeiden.


Defending DMA against Apple: The FSFE signs joint position paper

26. Juni 2024 um 23:00

Defending DMA against Apple: The FSFE signs joint position paper

Together with nine stakeholders organisations, the FSFE has submitted a joint position paper to the European Commission, with whom we are working on the implementation of the Digital Markets Act. This paper, supported by legal and data-backed arguments, addresses Apple’s non-compliance with the law, particularly concerning software freedom, alternative Free Software app stores and interoperability obligations.

CC-BY-NC-SA by Rahak for FSFE. Limitations to Free Software, vendor lock-in, and lack of control over personal data are current hurdles faced by end-users in digital markets

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) regulates large tech companies in the EU, setting the main rules for designating gatekeepers and enforcing their obligations. As a designated “gatekeeper”, Apple was required to present a strategy for complying with the DMA. Since March 2024, the European Commission (EC) has been investigating it for non-compliance.

Following a series of interventions, in order to assist the DMA enforcement procedure, the FSFE is signed a joint position to the EC, highlighting the main problematic aspects of Apple in relation to Free Software.

As far as the FSFE is concerned, the main points relate to:

  • Software freedom: By blocking side-loading of apps and the unfettered installation of alternative app stores, Apple is violating Art.6(4). Concretely, paragraph 4 obliges the gatekeeper to provide users with the possibility to easily install apps from other sources than the gatekeeper’s own software application store. Recital (41) clarifies that the gatekeeper is prohibited from undermining or restricting that possibility in any way.
  • Vendor lock-in vs interoperability: By hampering effective interoperability with of hardware functions, the company is violating Art. 6(7). Apple has introduced an opaque and non-accountable system to grant interoperability that impedes Free Software projects to effectively access hardware and software functions of devices. The DMA prescribes the opposite: interoperability should be granted free of charge and effectively, so third parties can enjoy the same privileged access to hardware and software as the gatekeepers.

The FSFE welcomes the EC’s efforts in finding Apple to be in breach of the law. However, this is only the first step in a regulatory process aimed at reducing the company’s monopolistic control over devices.

Apple threatens Free Software – please help protecting software freedom!

The DMA includes several provisions directly impacting Free Software. It mandates “gatekeepers” to allow installing of software (sideloading), to enable alternative app stores and repositories to be used in devices, and several interoperability obligations, allowing third party developers to access the same hardware functions as the gatekeepers.

Apple’s unfair behaviour against Free Software highlights the critical need to monitor the implementation of the DMA. The FSFE collaborated with F-Droid, the AppFair project, and other interoperability experts to scrutinize Apple’s DMA compliance, and it’s impact on Free Software. Since then, we coordinated several expert workshops with stakeholders, discussed with regulators in FOSDEM, had official meetings with the EC’s DMA team, and submitted a comprehensive position to the EC detailing several problematic elements in the Apple compliance that will harm the Free Software.

Free Software is key for a democratic society and we should not allow gatekeepers to threaten our rights and freedoms. Apple has a huge revenue from blocking Free Software on iOS, and has dedicated a lot of resources to interpret the DMA as it deems fit. For instance, Apple publicly stated that iPhones and iPads are not general purpose computers, and users are not allowed to run the software they want.

Holding companies like Apple accountable under the DMA is a complicated, time-consuming and resource-intensive activity. It can even be a dangerous one as the risk of retaliation is real. We face it with courage and determination. If you are not yet an FSFE supporter, please join our cause today.

Defending Free Software against large corporations takes a long time, maybe more than a decade.Our long-term commitment includes engaging with Free Software communities across Europe, conducting research and analysis for legal and policy positions, participating in official hearings, and we are getting prepared to be involved in strategic litigation.

Inflation is hitting everyone, especially organizations like ours that rely on individual donations. Your regular support is vital to help us continue standing up to those who seek to circumvent the law and undermine our freedoms.

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Raynet wird Technologieanbieter für wegweisendes Software Asset Management-Projekt des Bundes

17. Juni 2024 um 10:53

Das Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (BMI) führt die Software Asset Management-Lösung RaySAMi von Raynet in rund 90 Bundesbehörden ein. Die Partnerschaft mit Deloitte und HiSolutions zielt auf Effizienz, Transparenz und Kontrolle im Lizenzmanagement ab.


Schwarz Digits und adesso schließen Partnerschaft für souveräne deutsche IT-Lösungen

19. Juni 2024 um 09:55

adesso und Schwarz Digits haben eine strategische Partnerschaft zur Entwicklung einer sicheren deutschen Cloud-Infrastruktur geschlossen. Dies umfasst Kooperationen mit STACKIT und XM Cyber sowie maßgeschneiderte KI-Lösungen mit Aleph Alpha. adesso plant zudem einen neuen Standort im Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn, um die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich KI zu fördern.

