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Linux Mint 22 Wilma im Test

Von: MK

Linux Mint 22 wurde veröffentlicht. Mit dieser neuen Generation zieht der Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Stack in die Linux Mint Distro ein. Das heißt Modernisierungen, neue Pakete und Apps. Wir schauen uns Linux Mint 22 mit Cinnamon Desktop an und ich gebe Dir in diesem Briefing einen genauen Überblick mit allem, was Du wissen musst. Eckpunkte […]

Der Beitrag Linux Mint 22 Wilma im Test erschien zuerst auf fosstopia.

Mozilla veröffentlicht Firefox 128.0.3

Mozilla hat Firefox 128.0.3 veröffentlicht und behebt damit mehrere Probleme der Vorgängerversion.

Download Mozilla Firefox 128.0.3

Mit dem Update auf Firefox 128.0.3 behebt Mozilla potenzielle Ladeprobleme via HTTP/2 auf manchen Websites sowie ein Problem mt eingeklappten Tabellenzeilen, welche unter Umständen nicht sichtbar waren. Außerdem wurde ein Problem behoben, welches verursachen konnte, dass die Windows-Bildschirmtastatur Teile der Webseite verdeckte.

Der Beitrag Mozilla veröffentlicht Firefox 128.0.3 erschien zuerst auf soeren-hentzschel.at.

Umgang mit Überlastung & mein Antrieb: Hinter den Kulissen eines Linux-Youtubers - Reaction


In diesem Video reagiere ich auf das Video "Einige Gedanken zum Youtube Burnout" vom Linux Umsteiger Kanal. Dabei gebe ich euch Einblicke hinter die Kulissen des Kanals und erkläre, wie ich mit dem Druck durch den Youtube-Algorithmus umgehe, ob Youtube für mich Hobby oder Beruf ist und wie man Themen zu Videos findet.
Wenn Du das Video unterstützen willst, dann gib bitte eine Bewertung ab, und schreibe einen Kommentar. Vielen Dank!


Video von Linux Umsteiger Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceYihltLfnQ

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0:00 Begrüßung
0:54 Beginn der Reaction
2:29 Eigene Erfahrung mit Überlastung
5:17 Verschwinden von Linux Youtubern
8:20 Youtube-Burnout vs richtiger Burnout
11:29 Einkommen durch Youtube
14:37 Hobby oder Arbeitszeit?
16:29 Youtube-Algorithmus
18:51 Videothemenfindung
20:45 Youtube als Wissensplattform
24:13 Haupt- und Zweitkanal
28:42 Distro Hopping
31:50 Immer gleiche Themen
35:47 aller Anfang ist schwer!
38:40 Erholungspausen und Selbstreflexion
49:44 neue Kanäle ausprobieren
52:38 Linux-Merch
56:22 abschließende Worte
57:56 Verabschiedung


Elektronomia - Sky High [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/TW9d8vYrVFQ
Download Link: https://NCS.lnk.to/SkyHigh

Das Video dient lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für in diesem Video gezeigte und / oder erklärte Handlungen. Es entsteht in keinem Moment Anspruch auf Schadensersatz oder ähnliches.

*) Werbung

Linqa: a Free Software bilingual collaboration platform developed with public money

Linqa: a Free Software bilingual collaboration platform developed with public money

Linqa is a bilingual collaboration platform whose code is Free Software and developed using public money. It helps the daily work of the Franco-German Forum for the Future, a public institution that fosters collaboration among actors in France and Germany. We dive into the roots of Linqa with the people behind it.

To learn how Linqa started and how it works we talked with the CEO of the organization that commissioned this platform, Lale Eckardt, the co-founder of the company that developed it, Juergen Neumann, and Linqa Project Lead, Robin Denz.

FSFE: First of all, can you explain what is Linqa?

Juergen Neumann (DMX co-founder*): Linqa is a simple web-based whiteboard application with automatic translation between two languages. Editors can create and upload bilingual content, e.g. notes or PDFs, and arrange it within workspaces. Each workspace has dedicated members, who can discuss and comment on these contents in their native language in a chat panel. All content is visible in both languages and can be re-edited to manually improve the automatic translation.

*DMX develops dmx – the context machine, a Free Software semantic data platform. DMX developed Linqa for the Franco-German Forum for the Future.

FSFE: What brought you to develop a platform like Linqa?

Robin Denz (Linqa Project Lead): The development of Linqa was spurred by the necessity to enhance collaboration steered by the Franco-German Forum for the Future. With the aim of strengthening bilateral relations and promoting sustainable transformation, we facilitate dialogues among local initiatives, public administrators, civil society, and academia. In co-creative processes with a wide array of experts, we elaborate actionable policy recommendations for both governments. For this, we needed a platform that could transcend language barriers and streamline our complex work processes. Partnering with DMX to create Linqa allowed us to tailor a solution that meets our specific needs.

FSFE: Compared to fully proprietary solutions, which is the main benefit of this tool?

Juergen Neumann: Linqa provides an easy-to-use solution to communicate and collaborate across language barriers in bilingual teams. While many other platforms are cloud-based services that tend to make money out of the users’ data, Linqa is Free Software and can be self-hosted. The automatic translations in Linqa are currently done using DeepL’s EU-based translation service (which is proprietary, ndr).

FSFE: DeepL is proprietary. Do you have any plans to change this dependency? Which option do you see to address this?

Juergen Neumann: The fact that Linqa depends on DeepL was driven by the client's requirements for very accurate automatic translations in alignment with data protection requirements, as we found them in their public tendering back in 2021. Unfortunately, by that time we did not know of any comparable and suitable Free Software based option to replace their service. Luckily we can find promising candidates these days. We are in the process of evaluating LibreTranslate as an alternative service.

FSFE: Why did you decide to develop a platform whose code is Free Software?

Juergen Neumann: Since the founders of DMX Systems have been Free Software advocates early on, we have chosen a Free Software license from the very beginning. When you start to develop code, you immediately understand that writing software is all about sharing knowledge. That’s why we think that the resulting code should be licensed as Free Software as well. In addition to that, we think that Free Software, Open Standards and open interfaces are the only way to effectively avoid a vendor lock-in. They can be seen as catalysts to encourage people to join efforts. We think this is especially relevant for public administrations spending public money. That’s why we always try to convince our clients to stay the course and join the Free Software environment with their requirements and investments.

The transparency of the code and algorithms allows to investigate how the software was made and how it works. The code is no black box: improvements by others are not only possible, but explicitly welcome.

FSFE: What is the main benefit of LInqa being developed as Free Software for the Franco-German Forum for the Future?

Robin Denz: The main benefit of developing Linqa as Free Software lies in its potential for widespread adoption and adaptation. The Franco-German Forum for the Future has a very specific use of the Linqa platform, which follows from our particular methodology and the people we work with. We get exactly what we need with Linqa but still its potential goes beyond our specific use case. So, I am excited and curious to see how other organisations can make use of its different functions in other fields than the one of Franco-German sustainable governance. For instance, in the humanitarian sector. By making the platform Free Software, we empower other non-profit actors and organizations to leverage its capabilities for their specific domains and requirements. This not only enhances its utility beyond our immediate use case but also encourages a community of users to contribute improvements and innovations, enriching the platform for all users.

FSFE: Which role do you think Free Software has in developing this kind of projects, commissioned with public money?

Robin Denz: Free Software plays a crucial role in projects like Linqa by fostering transparency, accessibility, and community-driven innovation. Knowing that a software like Linqa can benefit a wide array of other non-profit actors can act as a strong legitimization for putting public money in this kind of projects. For us, it meant to be able to customize and extend the platform according to our evolving needs without being constrained by proprietary limitations. Moreover, the ethos of Free Software aligns with our mission of promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing across borders, ensuring that our tools remain inclusive and adaptable to diverse contexts.

FSFE: What challenges did you have to face when developing Linqa?

Juergen Neumann: The first challenge is about licensing: Since there are very many different software licenses, it can be difficult to find out if you can actually publish your code - including the external libraries – under the terms and conditions of your desired license.

The second challenge is about money: Still too few individuals and organizations understand the challenges of the Free Software ecosystem. To develop and maintain good code, you need skilled people who all need to make a living. If individuals and especially organizations were willing to spend more money on Free Software instead of proprietary software, it would be beneficial to all.

Also, for us as a company, finding investors often feels much harder, because our business model does not include intellectual property but is free and open to all.

FSFE: What would you say to other companies that are not aware of the benefits of Free Software?

Robin Denz: I would emphasize that choosing Free Software for your project not only aligns with principles of openness and collaboration but also offers practical advantages. It can foster innovation through collective intelligence and enable rapid customization to meet specific needs. Moreover, Free Software encourages ethical considerations such as data privacy and security, which are increasingly critical in today's digital landscape. All in all, Free Software helps empowering organizations to build robust, community-supported solutions that can benefit society as a whole.

FSFE: Some years ago, the FSFE launched the “Public Money? Public Code!” initiative. With it we ask that software paid by taxpayers’ money should be released as Free Software. What is the role of Free Software in an organisation like the Franco-German Forum for the Future?

Lale Eckardt (Franco-German Forum for the Future CEO): The Franco-German Forum for the Future is rooted in the Treaty of Aachen signed by the two governments in 2019. We are thankful that the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), which finances our work on the German side, was supportive of an experimental approach. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided against jumping to conclusions and developing a run-of-the-mill platform just to tick off digital engagement. Instead, we took our time trying to understand where in our specific work and dialogue process a digital tool can offer significant value and how. With Linqa we have a tailored tool whose strength lies in its specificity and simplicity. And I think that is why Linqa is gathering interest from other organisations as well.

FSFE: How was the procurement process regarding Linqa? Was there a public tender or direct contact with DMX? Was it easy to procure Free Software? Do you think is there a way to make it simpler to help the procurement of Free Software tools in public administration?

Lale Eckardt: Of course, we put the development of our platform out to public tender, with DMX submitting the most competitive offer. Free Software development was not specified in the tender but emerged as an idea through our cooperation with DMX. The main challenge for procurement processes of this complexity is finding a middle ground between specificity and openness. On the one hand, as the contracting authority, we need to be as specific as possible about our needs. This ensures fair competition and reliable offers. On the other hand, we wanted to remain open to learning from and with the service provider, as well as critically assessing our hypotheses during the development process. To balance these two aspects, we aimed to clearly define the functionalities we envisioned for the platform without fixing too many technical details.

FSFE: What would you say to other public administrations that want to develop software? Would you recommend them to follow the Public Money? Public Code! principle?

Lale Eckardt: If the money spent on developing software from within public administration or in publicly funded project like ours can not only make public administration more efficient but also, through its availability as Free Software, strengthen our digital infrastructure in the public interest, than that is good news for our democracies!

The “Public Money? Public Code! (PMPC)” initiative aims to establish Free Software as the standard for publicly funded software. Promoted by the Free Software Foundation Europe, PMPC is supported by over 200 organizations and administrations, and more than 35.000 individuals. You can also support the campaign signing the Open Letter and with a donation to support this work.

Support FSFE

Linux Mint 22 Wilma erschienen

Von: MK

Das Warten hat endlich ein Ende! Linux Mint, eine der besten Desktop-Distributionen, bekannt für ihre benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und Stabilität, hat gerade die neueste Version, Linux Mint 22 “Wilma”, veröffentlicht. Diese Version ist eine Long-Term-Support (LTS) Edition, die Updates und Sicherheitsaktualiiserungen bis 2029 garantiert. Schauen wir uns alle wichtigen Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen an, die “Wilma” […]

Der Beitrag Linux Mint 22 Wilma erschienen erschien zuerst auf fosstopia.

Übersetzungsfunktion von Firefox unterstützt weitere Sprachen

Firefox besitzt eine Übersetzungsfunktion für Websites, welche im Gegensatz zu Cloud-Übersetzern wie Google Translate lokal arbeitet, die eingegebenen Texte also nicht an einen fremden Server sendet. Wenige Tage nach dem letzten Update bringt Mozilla erneut Unterstützung für weitere Sprachen, dieses Mal auch in finalen Firefox-Versionen.

Firefox wird seit Version 118 standardmäßig mit einer lokalen Funktion zur maschinellen Übersetzung von Websites für den Browser ausgeliefert. Das bedeutet, dass die Übersetzung vollständig im Browser geschieht und keine zu übersetzenden Inhalte an einen Datenriesen wie Google oder Microsoft übermittelt werden müssen.

Erst vergangene Woche hatte ich darüber berichtet, dass die Nightly-Version von Firefox weitere Sprachen unterstützt. Jetzt hat Mozilla noch einmal nachgelegt. Dieses Mal auch für finale Firefox-Versionen.

Finale Firefox-Versionen können ab sofort auch aus den folgenden Sprachen übersetzen, die von Firefox Nightly bereits unterstützt wurden: Dänisch, Kroatisch, Lettisch und Litauisch. Die folgenden Sprachen sind sowohl für finale Firefox-Versionen als auch Firefox Nightly neu: Serbisch, Slowakisch und Vietnamesisch. Nightly-Versionen unterstützen außerdem auch Übersetzungen aus dem Bosnischen.

Da die Sprachmodelle über die Remote-Einstellungen von Firefox bereitgestellt werden, ist die Unterstützung neuer Sprachen an kein Firefox-Update gebunden und funktioniert direkt in jedem Firefox mit aktivierter Übersetzungsfunktion.

Damit unterstützt die Übersetzungsfunktion Firefox bereits 22 Sprachen in mindestens eine Richtung. Für die Nightly-Version von Firefox sind es schon 31 Sprachen. Mozilla arbeitet mit Hochdruck daran, dass noch viele weitere folgen werden.

Firefox Translations Stand 25.07.2024

Der Beitrag Übersetzungsfunktion von Firefox unterstützt weitere Sprachen erschien zuerst auf soeren-hentzschel.at.

Programmiersprache: Rust 1.80 steht bereit

Kurz notiert: Die Programmiersprache Rust steht ab sofort in Version 1.80 bereit.

Die Programmiersprache Rust wurde planmäßig in Version 1.80 veröffentlicht. Wer sich für alle Highlights der neuen Version interessiert, findet wie immer in der offiziellen Release-Ankündigung weitere Informationen.

Der Beitrag Programmiersprache: Rust 1.80 steht bereit erschien zuerst auf soeren-hentzschel.at.

Handball im Netz: DHB und adesso starten Digital-Offensive

Der Deutsche Handballbund (DHB) relauncht DHB.de mit adesso und dem Open-Source CMS Drupal, um Fans und Mitglieder stärker an den Handballsport zu binden. Die neue Website und eine umfassende Plattformstrategie sollen bis Ende 2024 die Benutzerfreundlichkeit verbessern und alle Online-Portale des DHB vereinheitlichen. Ziel ist eine stärkere Marke und effizientere Kommunikation.

